Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's time for me to get my wings...

Mom was getting those names done while I sat at home with Daddy. Mom was stuck at work, but fortunately had a lot of free time at work between waiting for calls. When Mom came home, Dad said it is indeed my time to go. So, I will be going to the vet now, where I will be helped to the bridge to get my wings.

Thanks all for reading about me, and being such good friends. Please take care of my mom and dad. Mom and Dad will be sending me off with tons and tons of kisses to give to all your friends and family at the bridge.

Here are some more pictures for you to remember me by. I love you all.


PB 'n J said...

Oh Texas, we are so sad. We've lit a candle for you. We know that you will be with tons of wonderful kitties and woffies over the Bridge.

We had planned to give you an award tomorrow, since we think your courage and strength are "Brilliante"! We know you'll be able to see it from over the Bridge.

Godspeed dear friend, till we meet again.

Purrs and gentle hugs to you all,
Pearl, Bert and Jake

aerzebet said...

I miss you buddy.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We know you are loved and you will be at peace, but we are so sad for your mom and dad who are being left behind.

One day they will adopt another kitty or two, but not to take your place. You will always be their one and only Texas the fractious cat.

Purrs, hugs and tail wags

Sweet Purrfections said...

Goodbye, sweet Texas!

Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

We are so sad that you have to go now, Texas. Thank you for sharing your fight with us, you and your mom and dad are an inspiration to us.

We are sendin' you lotsa purrs for your trip to the Bridge, and lotsa purrs for your mom and dad too.

We are glad you got a lot of snugglin' in, and pictures of you with your beans.

We love you, Texas. Until we meet again...

The Island Cats said...

Goodbye, Texas! We are so sad that you have to go but we understand that you can't stay here being sick and all. We're glad that we got to know you a little...we'll miss you...but we know that we'll see you again someday.

Hugs to your mom and dad....

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Our purrs to your family Texas--we know that you will be well and welcomed by all those who have gone before.

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

O, Texas.
We's crying...
Love and purrs,

jenianddean said...

Peace be with you ...

Myst and Blackie said...

Oh Texas we are sad for your family and us because we will miss you. But we are happy to get your wings.


Karen Jo said...

Goodbye, Texas. I am sorry to see you go because I will miss you and your Mom and Dad will miss you terribly. I am glad that you will get your wings, though, and be free of all pain and problems forever.

Black Cat said...

Oh Texas, farewell. You are loved on Earth and you will be loved, and healthy, at the Bridge. My condolences to your beans. My heart is breaking. xxx

Lux said...

We will miss you, my friend. Be happy and watch over your beans. (We will, too.)

Peace to you & yours,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Godspeed Texas, when yoo get to da Bridge will yoo tell Punkin dat we love her...we will be around to remind yoor mom and dad dat yoo are still with them. We love yoo buddy...

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

We're sad that you can't be here with us no more. We're sure you're painfree and loving your wings, though. You can keep an eye on everyone. We'll send lots and lots of purrs to your Mom and Dad.
the Hotties

Anonymous said...

Miss you Texas

Joanne, Jane, Jill, Johnny, Jay boy & Capu from Singapore

Mickey's Musings said...

Texas,I am so sorry you had to go :( I am happy though ,that you and your Mom& Dad had time to make lots of memories.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
As you start your new journey, you will have lots of company from all the ones that went before.They will be there to greet you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Samantha & Mom said...

We are so sad Texas! The Rainbow Bridge has another Angel! We will miss you! Till we see you again!
((((((((hugs to your Mom and dad)))))!
Your FL furiends,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Texas,
I feel so sad.
I am purring and praying for you always~!!!
We will see you one day, I know.
I will keep thinking of you until the day we met!

Unknown said...

We love you too, Texas! Anastasia and Emil will great you at the bridge, you will be free and happy.
Lots of purrs for your Mom and Dad, we know how hard it is for them and our hearts go out to them.
The Cat Realm

Chesney Cats said...

Goodbye Texas, you will be missed. We're sending purrs & purrayers to you family, we are so sorry for their loss.

Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus, Emma & Mama Rhonda

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Farewell, Sweet Texas. Those wings will look good on you.

Your friends always,
Sen-Chan and Tom

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy wings, Texas, and may you be made happy over the Bridge...

Mr. Echo said...

Enjoy the Bridge Texas. Yoo will be happy and hellthy thare. Me and Tenny purrs fur the sad peeple yoo leeve behind.

Ingrid said...

Bon voyage ! (have a nice trip) wherever you go and be happy !!

MaoMao said...

We are so sorry to hear this. What a wunnerful kitty Texas is and will always be. Us Ballicai are sendin yur fambly lots and lots of purrs and love and you'll be in our thoughts at this diffikult time.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.

Anonymous said...

Goodbye brave little Texie. A peaceful journey to you fella, borne on love. Rest well xx

Anonymous said...

Farewell, Texas! We'll see you again one day.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Texas my dear friend...I am so sorry that your time has come so soon to go to the bridge. I know you are watching from above and will send a kitty to be with your beans when you find the puurrrfect one.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

We will miss you Texas, you were a great little fighter and a wonderful cat!

Purrs, Goldie and Shade

{{{hugs}}} to your mom and dad.

Parker said...

I will miss you.
We send our love to your Mom and Dad at this sad time.
You have wings now my friend.

Castle said...

bye bye dear Friend...until we meet at peace x

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Texas, Mommy's eyes are leaking this morning. We know that you are at the Bridge with all of our other friends. You were such a brave kitty! An inspiration to all of us....bean and furry.

We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved family member.


Tommy and Teaghan said...

Till we meet at da bridge. Much love and hugs to yur beans who are gonna miss da heck out of yoo.

Poppy Q said...

Texas we will light a candle for you tonight too. Sorry honey that you had to go, and we know your mum and dad must have a huge pussycat hole in their hearts. We know though that they did a super job of looking after you and giving you a life full of love.

We will miss you sweet Texas.

Sending big hugs to your beans.

Poppy and mum Q

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Goodbye Texas. We will miss you. Have a safe calm journey to The Bridge. Purrrs and (((hugs))) to your Beans.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Texas, we will miss you so much.

Love, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

We will be purring for your Mom & Dad cause we know they are very sad that you had to go to the bridge.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Texas, we are so sorry for your mom and dad. we knows how hard it is on the humans.

We refuse to say goodbye to another friend, so we will say
Rest well dear friend, and Until We Meet at The Bridge...........

Karen said...

WE are so sorry

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

my condince over texas I know just how your feeling This morning I woke up and said Mu shue then i caught my self saying he not here. We chocie the Feline winn assaation too in memory of Mu shue I hate lymophia it just not fair.

Laura Lilly Lu iris and Maxie

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

We are so sorry you have to go. Sending purrs and hugs to your Mom and Dad.

Anonymous said...

We love you too Texas, until we meet again ...

hugs to your family ...