So, I am still eating well. Unfortunately, I am still getting weaker. I was a little perkier yesterday, but I went back downhill today. This isn't entirely bad yet though- if the cancer is indeed making me weak, it may take a little while for improvement to be seen. When I had my first chemo treatment, I got worse for a day or two before I got better, because the chemo was already making me weak, but the cancer hadn't gone away enough yet for it to look like a net improvement. Mom will probably call the vet tonight after checking in on me upon her return home from work. She might call the vet sooner though, she hasn't decided yet.
Thanks so much for all your purrs, it means a LOT to me!
Sibling Saturday
7 hours ago
We are purring for you Texas.
(knocking on door) Special delivery for Texas, some cat mint tea which is suppose to help with digestion.
Catmint is used for the following
Nepeta cataria benefits:
controlling fevers
pain and headaches
stimulating appetite
rheumatism and arthritis
colds and flu
So we hope you enjoy the tea, and nice nap and a huge meal. ~S, S & C
PS: you should share it with your Mom.
Ooh, fanks fanks fanks!!!!
Hi Texas. Thanks so much for the award. We are very honoured!
Really sorry to hear that you're not feeing great right now. Hang in there, fella. We only just became friends and need you to be around to have fun with!
Sen-Chan (for Tom also)
Texas, we hope that you are feeling a bit better. Please know that we are purring really hard for you!
Oh, Texas, we wish there was something we could do to help! We know with the big C there are good and bad days. We think of you and purray for you daily. You are a brave furry fighter...just remember that.
Thanks again for the award!
Laila and Minchie
Sening you good healing purrs Texie. You rest up and I hope you feel better soon. Those chemo drugs are real hard going.
We hope that you get to feeling better really soon.
Sending lots of purrs your way,
Charlemagne and Tamar
Still purring for you!!!!!!!
turning my purr and prayer knob up to 11:
how about I telyport over and nap with you today. sometimes when mommy is sick, she likes to have someone with her
OK Mr Hendrix! That sounds cool!
Aw, we are just meeting you Texas and find you are fighting that awful "C" word. Well you can count on more purrin' X 6!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
We're sending special healing purrs to you, Texas!
Thank you so furry much for the award Texas! Pearl is already checking to see where she can spend it :-)
We're sorry that you still aren't feeling well, we'll be purring for you buddy!
we are still purring for you Texas.
We're sorry we haven't commented sooner but work is stealing our LL's time. We are purring for you Texas!!
We're sendin' some purrs, hugs and headbutts yer way!
We are purring for you Texas!!!
~Goldie and Shade
ps- Catmint is very, very yummy!
We hope you feel better very, very soon!
~ Timothy and The Bunch
Hey Texie
I just managed to get Meowmie to check the cat blogosphere and we saw you were having a rough time of it. Boy, those chemo drugs can be tough...I know that you are getting some great advice and support from the Lymphoma group, they are a great bunch of people and very knowledgable, so don't be afraid to investigate any of their suggestions with your vet.
Are you taking any new tablets for anything? The reason I ask is because Stormie was lucky and had a pretty good run with her chemo with little side-effetcs, but there was one week when she was feeling rough, we thought her cancer had come back - turned out she was having a reaction to a new appetite stimulant that she had been given! When we stopped giving her the tablet, she perked right up! This also happened with an anti-biotic she had too.
We are thinking of you so much and sending you soooooooo many positive thoughts and healing vibes little Texie. Give your Beans a hug from us xxx
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