Darnit, I gotta go back next week to see the vet peeples! I was sapposed to be OFF for TWO WEEKS. But they said "Texie, you don't have enough white blood cells for us to give you chemo today, so go home and come back next week!"
So I gotta get in my box next week for the big long ride down to the chemo place again, instead of just a quick trip to our local vet for a blood check. This is just NOT FAIR :(
I was so upset about this in fact, that I refused to post on my blog last night because I was on strike. Mommy: Texas, you know that's not true. It's that I was busy and tired last night and forgot to help you write the post. Texas: Yeah, Mom, but I was covering for you! And, if you'd offered to help me I woulda refused anyway so I could be on strike.
Mommy on the other hand is almost relieved! Can you believe it?! Yeah, she says she feels bad and stuff that I gots to go to the chemo place again, and she don't like having to drive that far, but she's really glad in a way because she didn't think my tummy was ready for the doxorubicin, and the vet place told her when she came up that there isn't anything else they have for my tummy anyways. They also told mommy that my numbers were just a tiny bit low, nothing to really worry about or anything, just let me get some rest.
Also, lastly but not leastly, I need to thank Castle for pointing out that dates weren't visible on the time stampies and for saying he will tell evfurrybuddy about my blog. I think that is purrty kewl!! Thanks Castle!
OK, back to my chips box for a nap. I think I will post my full story tonight or tomorrow.
Saturdays with Sierra
12 hours ago
Hi, Texas, Welcome. I's just posted your intro on tha Cat Blogosphere.
Fractious, huh. That's what they's called me, too, and was gonna send me to tha :: shudders :: back room till an angel -- akshully -- two angels, saved me. But that's another story.
From one fractious kitty to another, welcome to tha Cat Blogosphere. I's looking forward to lurning more about you.
Hi Texas! It is so very nice to meet you! I would like to say welcome to the cat blogosphere. Castle sent me over, we are pals with him and we were pals with the wonderful Stormie-Angel as well.
I look forward to learning more about you!
Hey Texas!
Please do not worry bout the low white blood cells, this happened to Stormie twice and she pulled throuhg just fine with the help of anti-biotics in case of infections and stuff. Mind you, she did have a negative reaction to Synolux AB's so had to switch to Baytril.
We are sure you are going to get your levels right back up again.
Do you have tummy lymphoma like Stormie did?
I hope you get to meet lots of lovely cats on the blogosphere...there are some GREAT blogs out there, you should spin by and say hello :)
Hi Texie, it's very nice to meet you. I hope you cope ok with the next treatment and manage to keep eating. Remember to get lots of rest. Sending love xx
Hi Texas! Castle told me about you so I came to check out your blog. You are a very brave kitteh just like Storm. Welcome to the bloggysphere!
Hi Texas ::waves paws:: we saw yoor innerduction at da blogosphere! Any frend of Castle's is a frend of ours. We is sorry yoo gots to go thru all dat stupid cancer treatment, it all sucks, but it will make yoo okay for a time and dat is what is importint. Sure hope we'll be seeing yoo over at da blogosphere and at parties and stuff!
Hi Texas! It is very nice to meet you, and I'm looking forward very much to hearing more about you. Castle sent me over from the Cat Blogosphere!
Hi Texas!! we just read about you on the cat blogosphere. we are so happy to meet a new friend!!! please come visit us after you have rested and have some time and feel like it!
Sammy and Miles and Billy
Hi Texas!
Nice to meet you. We saw where Castle posted about you on the Cat Blogosphere.
We're sorry you have to go back to the vet, but that's how you'll get better!
Hope to read more about you soon!
~ Miss Emily and The Bunch
Hi Texas! Very nice to meet you! We look forward to hearing more about your adventures and your kitty box!
Luf, Us
Hi Texas! Castle told me about you, so I came over to say hello. I don't blame you for not wanting to go back next week, but at least you get a rest this week, right?
Hi Texas!! I'm so happy that Storm inspired you to blog about your experiences. Welcome!!
Nice to meet you Texas! We will purr and purray for you!
Welcome Texas! It's nice to have you join us all in the Cat Blogosphere! We're sorry that you have to go back, but it sounds like they've got that nasty stuff on the run. We look forward to reading more of your adventures!
Pearl, Bert and Jake
Hello Texas, it is very nice to meet you. Castle sent us over, we were friends with Storm, and still are with Castle of course.
Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere, you will like it here and find many new friends!
Karl and Mrs. OZ
Hey, Texas,
Our friend Castle sent us over to meet you. Woofies don't intimidate you, do they? We're a blended family.
We sure hope you have a good week so you can handle the chemo next week better than you could have this week.
Hello, Texas! Castle told us about you and we just had to stop by to introduce ourselves. When you're feeling better, we sure would love to get to know you better.
Nice to meet you Texas! You are one brave kitty to do the chemo! Blogging is lots of fun and very addicting. You will meet tons of new furends that will help you through this. And your mommie too.
Laila and Minchie
HiTexas! I'm Mickey.
I came to visit because Castle told us about you. I really liked Storm ,and she was the Furry Fighter!! I will now give you my purrs because you need to be a furry fighter!!
The Cat Blogosphere is a great place and you will get tons of support from the awesome cats (and some woffies,bunnies,hamsters) there :)
I can't wait to learn all about you!!!
Purrs Mickey
Welcome Texas,
We heard about you from Castle on the CB and ran right over to meet ya!!!!! We think you're very brave indeed, and can't wait to get to know ya better. Stormie inspired us with her bravery and strength as well. We're glad to have ya, and will purr for ya too!!!
Sorry ya gotta go back to the VET so soon. We hope its not too bad (we don't like goin to the VET eithers)Get some rest this week.
Rossetti and Kirara
"The Kiaton Empire"
Hi Texas! Castle sent us over to meet you! We think you are a very brave kitty. Vincent Who Came Before had cancer too but he didn't have chemo (sounds very scary), he had surgery and radiation instead (also scary). Mommy says that was hard but that doctors can do wonderful things. Cancer didn't get Vincent and we are purring that it doesn't get you either. We think cancer is just a big bully. We are purring for you.
Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere, Texas. We're new too!
We hope you are feeling better. We are sorry that you have to go to the v.e.t. next week...we knows how it is...we hates the v.e.t. too! (Well, actually, we don't hates the v.e.t., we hates getting into that little box!)
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Welcome to the Blogosphere, Texas! We're not fractious, mostly. We hope you come visit us and are able to endure your chemo. We will be purring for you
Hi Texas, Castle sent us over from the CB! We are very pleased to meet you! We look forward to learning more about you! We will purrr and purray that the chemo goes well next week!
Your FL furiends,
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