So I will talk mostly about meez in general today. I will talk more about the icky cancer and how we are treeting it tomorrow.
I showed up at mommy and daddy's three years ago (October 2005)because someone at their offis was moving and couldn't take me wiff her. So my Mommy C asked if anyone could give me a good home, and my Mommy K volunteered to take care of me. Mommy C still visits me sometimes, and Mommy K about me a lot. Mommy C and Mommy K and Daddy are friends now and still work together.
I have three housemates, they are birds with an awfully long name, cockateelz or something like that.

Mommy was always a bird person, but Daddy was always a cat person. Daddy didn't have any cats when they got married though, and wanted one, so they got me. Mommy didn't want to give up her birdies though, so she wuz really glad that I am so well behaved around them. When I first moved in, they kept me in my room at night and whenever they left the house. Now I only have to stay in my room when mommy and daddy are at work because I am so well behaved around the birdies! I am rilly smart, I know when an aminal is in da cage it means LEAVE ALONE! I'm not nearly as nice to the mousies that we had in the basement over the winter!
In March of this year my parents noticed I was sneezing a lot. And so they thought I had a cold, and took me to the vet. And that's where the cansur story begins. It is time for my evening medusins now tho, so I have to go hide as soon as I hear Mommy or Daddy opening the medusin bottles. So I will finush the story tomorrow.
Thanks again for welcoming me to bloggie land!!
Hi Texas,
We hope you get all well soon. We will be purring for you.
We get to go outside and we pretend to chase the birds. We don't catch them because Mommy would SCREAM at us for that. She likes birds, and rabbits and a whole bunch more stuff that we aren't allowed to play with. We can catch rats and mice though, Mommy doesn't like them.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Medicine is awful! I just got mine. I don't like it at ALL.
Birds and cats can co-exist peacefully. My mom Ms. C likes to tell the story of some friends who had 3 cats, who were in charge of bird-sitting another family's 20-year-old parrot. This parrot knew all about us cats and said "MEEEOW" whenever a cat entered the room. Needless to say, those cats were terrified and avoided that parrot for the duration of its visit!
Hi Texas! Welcome! I have read your posts and your story. It is nice to have a forever home. But I don't think I would be a good as you with those birdies in the house. Those things are snacks to me.
Hi again Texas - we are very interested in learning more about you. we hopes that you will go into remission and be all better!
Oh wowsers, your housemates make my mouth all watery. Mmmm, I wonder if there's any chicken or turkey or cockateelz stinky goodness in my bowl tonight. That's nice of your parents to grow your dinner at home for you. Be careful though, they look kinda vicious. Do they bite back?
Oh no! I just read on in your post. Well behaved means leave the birds alone!!! OH NO, that's just terrible. Your mom likes the fevers? Well, I hope you get a lots of respect for following their rules. You deserve treats, scritches anything your little kitty heart would want, except the fevers, I guess.
Poor, poor Texas, I feel for you brother. I really do. If you ever feel like staring at fevers and NOT get in trouble, you can come to my house. We have lots outside. We even have squirrels, out there.
Tell your mommy K that I'm sorry that I looked at her birdies with evil intentions. I didn't read your whole post before I started writing. I promise that as long as they stay in the computer they're safe from me and my brother and sisters.
Nice to meet you Texas. Remission sounds like a cool thing. I'm sorry about the meds though. I have a hard time with those too and I don't hardly ever have to take them. Stay strong!
Welcome to the blogosphere, Texas! We're looking forward to reading more and we're glad that your cancer is in remission.
Charlemagne and Tamar
(who don't have a blog but like to visit other kitties' blogs)
Hi Texas, we hopes the chemo will make you better soon. We would find it hard living with birds as house mates. A couple weeks ago, a wee mousie got into the house, but one of us did it in.
Mindy & Moe
Hi Texas, we heard about you on the cat blogosphere. We are very glad to meet you and hope that we will be friends for a very long time.
Great to meet you Texas! (Do people call you Tex?) Great to hear that you're in remission. Keep up the fight!
Hi Texas! We wanted to join the crowd in welcoming you to our community! You are indeed a very brave cat and we hope your remissions last and last and last.
You are TAGGED! Check out my wednesday update to learn all about it!
Yours in Tabby Fellowship,
Abby Normal
Hi, Texas, it's great to meet you. I hope you stay in remission for a long, long time. Keep fighting!
Hi Texas,
My names Poppy Q and I am one of Stormy and Castles friends.
It was nice to read your blog - welcome to the blogosphere.
Poppy Q
Hi Texas
Wow what a kool name you have. I'm Abby, I'm a tuxie manx it's very nice to meetcha. I am sorry to hear that you have to take meddekashuns but we will all purr that it will make you better and better. Come on over when you feels up to it and I'll introduce you to my famibee...
Abby (the Manx)
Hello there Texas!!! Welcome, welcome!
We look forward to learning all about you. Love your housemates! I mean, I REALLY love them.
Dat iz a grate story Texas. Yoo iz furry lucky dat yur fyrst Mommie luved yoo enuff ta mayk shur yoo had a gud home ta goes to. An it sownds lyk she fownd yoo da most perfect noo fambly too! I canna wate ta lurn more bowt yoo.
Miss you big guy. :)
Mommy C
My Lap Lady had a very very special bird like your birdies. Her name was Pop-Corn and the Lap Lady adored her. Its nice to hear about how you came to your home!
Hey Texas! What a nice bloggy you have goin on here. Can't wait to read some more.
Thank you for coming to see my bloggy. I hope we can become friends too!
Texie you are such a good cat to be ok around the birds, I don't think I'd be able to control myself so well. Don't hide for too long, those medicines are gonna help you sweetie. Take care xx
Nice to meet you Texas! You are so lucky to live with birdies. mmmmm I have to watch ours thru the window. That isn't nearly as fun.
I'm sorry you're a sick kitty. When mommy rescued me, they found out I have FIV so we can kind of relate.
I wish mousies would come in my house. I haven't had a yummy mousie since I was rescued! I hope you'll visit me when you get time. The blogosphere is a great place to meet friends.
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