This is a picture of me looking very manly when I first arrived at my new forever home with Mommy K and Daddy. I was a bit of a fat pants back then though, probably about 13-14 pounds! Now I weigh about 9 pounds, I should weigh about 10.
I have to go to the vet today for a pre-boreding exam. This doesn't make much sense to me, but apparently when my beans go on vacations in a few weeks, they want to make me bored. See, usually the bean's roommate D takes care of me and the feathers, but since I require medicines daily now, the bean's didn't want to bother D with that. Plus, although I'm doing great for a cancer cat, I'm obviously not exactly in purrfect health anymore, and just to be safe, they wanted a vet with me. This I understand. I understand too that they don't want to take me to the chemo vet to stay because I always hiss and growl when I'm there. And they don't want to take me to my regular checkup/emergency vet because it costs a lot to stay there. Fine. That makes sense. But they are saying that when I go to this new Cat Hopsital, I am going to be "boreded". Why do I have to be bored for a whole week. Can't they put me somewhere fun? And why do I have to let these "boreders" look at me today before they steal me in two weeks to "bored" me? Sheesh, this is so not fair. At least no chemo though, and they are much closer to the bean's house, so I won't be away from home all day or anything. And I got to eat breakfast this morning, no usual Monday pre-chemo fasting. I've already finished most of it too. Mommy and Daddy started giving me Zofran (anti-nausea) shots before the symptoms really started this week and this, along with the Cerenia last week, seems to have really helped. I've been eating almost a whole 5.5 ounce can each day, which while just a little less than I normally should eat (I'm a big mancat), is pretty darn good for a doxorubicin week!
Ah I have never been boarded. We only have a cat sitter--in spite of Georgia's infirmities, but she is comfortable with the fact that we never know how long Georgia will last but we are beginning to think she will outlast all of us.
Hmmm...borded might be fun. You can meet some new friends and have others snorgle your tummy!
I'm glad your week is going ok foodwise Texie. A mancat needs to keep up his strength.
We are glad to hear you are eating Texas. We hope your aren't too bored while your beans or on vacation. Teleport over here and visit with us if you like. ~Socks, S & C
i'm not supposed to be boarded cause of my FIV so in that way i'm lucky. i'll always have a family member or friend have to "serve" me while my beans are away.
maybe the place you are boarding has a petsitter DVD playing, or fishes to watch so you won't be bored. you can telyport over here any time. I'm glad you're eating, i'll share my foods with you!
PS I weigh 12.5 lbs even tho I should weigh 10, but since I have FIV, the vet says I should keep that extra weight on in case I get sick. No diet for me!
We've never been bordered either, but our woofie sister sure seems to like it - maybe it will be fun!
We are sorry you have to be boarded. When our Meowm leaves there is a nice lady that comes to feed us. She pets us, brushes us and plays with us~~so we aren't board.
We are also glad to hear you are eating more and we hope that continues!!!
Hi Texas!
I apologise, I've been dominating my mom's time and not allowing her to read other kitties' blogs for a couple of days. But I am sure you understand, after the kinds of things They make us go through.
I will post a tummy pic just for you tomorrow!
-Abby Normal
You certainly did look mancatly.
This boredom thing doesn't sound too exciting, for sure!
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